Started with your goals. So don't! So what to visualize ? Research has shown that it makes a lot of sense to think about how you will achieve your goals. How to get your work room distraction-free and get to work focused for a few hours. Or the skills you teach yourself to achieve your goals. Jackie calls this building a bridge between your reality and your goals, and being realistic about any shortcomings or challenges. Timely, because only in this way can you take them into account.
Your success! Visualize your success and set your brain on the right action: your schedules, your training and practice, and the different steps that lead to your goal. 4. Unleash a positive vicious circle with action Action builds confidence and practice We provide high-quality Whatsapp list we have makes perfect. Because, by allowing yourself to make mistakes, and trying to see 'failure' as an opportunity for upward improvement, you can actually gain experience and get better at what you do.
Scientists call the 'Competence-Confidence loop': the good feeling that comes from action and (learned) competence. But how do you act when you feel paralyzed? Jikkie suggests a number of hacks: Start with mini-habits and break your goals down into whole (easy) sub-goals. More sports? Start with one push-up, 3 times a week for a few weeks and gradually build up. Bring in more customers? Call one potential customer per week. By making your goals smaller, you increase the chance of success.