Maintain the Right Mix I've also seen many internet Phone Number List marketers who have worked hard to build their lists, literally kill them overnight. Why? They either got lazy or greedy, or both. DO NOT oversell! Don't fall into the trap that so many web Phone Number List marketers do... thinking "ok, I've got a nice big list now, so all I have to do is send out promotions and money will just keep flowing in." The biggest way to KILL your list is to do nothing but send Phone Number List them sales pitches. Effective email list management means: 1. Knowing how frequently to contact you subscribers (once a week? Twice a week? Twice a month?) 2.
Maintaining the right mix Phone Number List of free stuff (downloads, tips and useful information) and product promotions. Ever market and every list is different, and Phone Number List what that "right mix" is for yours will only come through careful experimentation. Do you have an opt-in email list? If not then you should, because it's the best way to start seeing Phone Number List more sales from your email marketing efforts. The bottom line is that a list is necessary to stay in business. There a few ways that you can go about making a list profitable, and this is what this article will Phone Number List touch on today.
One great way to build a profitable list is to Phone Number List use "confirmed opt-in email marketing". With confirmed opt-in email marketing, your prospect has to confirm the request to subscribe to your email list. This has been proven to make your list more responsive Phone Number List and to lower the number of unsubscribes that you receive. Using confirmed opt-in email marketing also significantly decreases that number of spam complaints that you receive, so it's Phone Number List something that you should consider using starting today.